Year of realization : 2010
Wood used : Lime tree
Dimensions : Width 187 cms / Height 200 cms (without the frame)
Why the barbed wire? The answer takes its roots in the preceding board, "The Pathway of The Pond", which represents one of the numerous pathways that go all over the countryside and that are only very rarely evoked when we approach the rurality or the heritage.
When on the route of some of them I met an obstacle or a barbed wire, by some of its aspects and its sensations that it provides, the scene seemed to me representative of the incoherence that characterize our time, developing in us the unpleasant impression that we are assisting at the collapse of a cultural building, ours. I naturally perceived the possibility of inserting it into a group of boards which the central theme is the evolution.
It remained to place into various symbols of the successive societies that inspired ours and that are so many cultural markers. Our technological revolution led us, despite of a visible opulence, to often make inaccessible some of our most commons and legitimates aspirations.
At the same time, peoples from other traditions hope by joining us to find the El Dorado.
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